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Review of VET Accredited Courses to identify superseded or deleted units20 Dec 2018
ASQA has recently reviewed all current VET accredited courses that contain training package units of competency.
VET accredited course leads the way20 Dec 2018
Within the VET sector there are two types of training products delivered by RTOs—training packages and VET accredited courses.
Tuition assurance arrangements for 201920 Dec 2018
The Department of Education and Training has been managing the current interim tuition assurance arrangements for students with a VET Student Loan (VSL), VET FEE-HELP loan, or a FEE-HELP load through a private or TAFE higher education provider.
RTOs remain satisfied with ASQA’s audit processes19 Dec 2018
The results of ASQA's latest site audit surveys have confirmed that RTOs continue to be satisfied with the regulator’s audit processes.
Don’t risk your registration—Submit your renewal application at least 90 days before the end of your registration period30 Nov 2018
You must apply to renew your RTO registration, and pay the application lodgement fee, at least 90 days before your registration is due to expire.
Changes to RTO ownership—What you need to do30 Nov 2018
If you are involved in a change of ownership, either as disposer or acquirer, it is important you understand your obligations.
Subscribe to the USI Bulletin30 Nov 2018
The Unique Student Identifier (USI) Office issues a monthly news update, the USI Bulletin.
Extended transition period: three FDF Retail Baking qualifications2 Nov 2018
ASQA has approved an extension to the transition period for three FDF Retail Baking qualifications.
Reminder—you must apply to renew registration at least 90 days before the end of your registration period25 Oct 2018
RTOs are required to meet the requirements of section 31 (1)(a) of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 when applying to renew registration.
ASQA’s increased scrutiny on new applications24 Oct 2018
On 1 May 2018, ASQA announced increased scrutiny on new applications for registration to deliver VET and/or international education.
ASQA spotlight—providers that have delivered no training in both 2016 and 201724 Oct 2018
ASQA is currently examining data from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) for RTOs that have reported they have delivered no training over the past few years.
Reminder—providers must view the correct documentation showing students have completed prerequisites24 Oct 2018
ASQA has recently noted some providers are not meeting the requirement to ensure students have completed necessary prerequisites.
Federal court issues significant penalties for false claim to hold RTO registration, issuance of qualifications23 Oct 2018
The Federal Court has ordered a Queensland training company and its director to pay significant penalties for continuing to represent itself as a RTO—and issue qualifications—after ASQA did not renew its registration.
Focus on international education, trainer and assessor capability23 Oct 2018
ASQA will continue to target international education and the capability of trainers and assessors as part of its 2018-20 regulatory strategy.
ASQA welcomes convictions relating to fraudulent documents1 Oct 2018
ASQA welcomes the conviction of four people involved in creating false student records and other documents.
Completion rates in VET on the rise13 Aug 2018
New figures predict a 5.2 per cent increase in completion rates for those who commenced a Certificate I or above in 2016.
Extended transition period: Advanced Diploma, Diploma of Accounting qualifications1 Aug 2018
ASQA has approved an extension to the transition period for the FNS50215 Diploma of Accounting and FNS60215 Advanced Diploma of Accounting.
A resilient VET sector holding steady31 Jul 2018
The report released today by the NCVER shows student numbers are steady at 4.2 million.
Transparency of accredited course content27 Jul 2018
In early January 2018, ASQA contacted course owners about a recent decision by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Industry and Skills Council (CISC) to improve the transparency of accredited courses by publishing additional information on training.gov.au.
ELICOS course template now available23 Jul 2018
ASQA has developed a course proposal template for use by providers applying to register English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) on the Commonwealth Register for Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
ASQA given additional powers to seek civil penalties and issue infringement notices20 Jul 2018
On 12 July 2018, the Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC made the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Amendment (Enforcement and Other Measures) Regulations 2018.
Important announcement for students of Journey Management Group Pty Ltd (RTO 21384)17 Jul 2018
The provider entered liquidation on 16 July 2018.
Issuance of false qualifications leads to $31,400 penalty9 Jul 2018
A Queensland man who misled three individuals into providing payment for false qualifications has been ordered to pay a pecuniary penalty of $31,400.
How to remove items from scope of registration before annual registration charge13 Jun 2018
RTOs will start receiving invoices for their annual registration charge at the start of July.