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- Step 2—Course development
Step 2—Course development
During this step you will fully develop your course.
Course document
You need to develop your course using the national course document template.
Using this template is a requirement of the Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2021.
Your completed national course document template is known as your ‘course document’.
If your course is accredited, your course document will be used by RTOs as the basis for training and assessment.
These resources will help you develop your course and understand the requirements:
- User’s guide to developing a course document
- Users’ guide to the Standards
- Standard 10.5 – Volume of learning
Consulting with stakeholders
While developing your course you need to consult with the key stakeholders identified in your course concept.
You may also identify other stakeholders with an interest in your course.
You are also encouraged to consult with Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) if they cover your industry area.
Consultation will help you confirm important course details, such as:
- intended skills and knowledge outcomes
- the best course structure and pathways
- the assessment strategy (outlined in Section B:6.1 of the course document).
You need to submit evidence of stakeholder consultation with your application for course accreditation.
Creating enterprise units
If you cannot find an existing training package unit to address the skills and knowledge gap, you can write your own enterprise unit.
Enterprise units need to be developed in collaboration with technical experts or practitioners.
Use the unit of competency template within the national course document template to develop your new unit.
Your course will not be accredited if your enterprise units deliver the same outcomes as existing training package units.
Read about enterprise units in Standard 10.2.
Contact us
If you have any questions about developing your course, please call 1300 701 801.