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How we consult on fees and charges
As we review our approach to cost recovery, including new fees and charges, ASQA engages with sector stakeholders to seek feedback.
ASQA works closely with the Provider Roundtable and the Stakeholder Liaison Group on the implementation of full cost recovery. We also hear directly from individual providers, course owners and other stakeholders on proposed fees and charges.
During our consultation, we consider all feedback from our stakeholders and we respond to each submission.
Past consultation
The Cost Recovery Implementation Statement 2022-23 (CRIS) will take effect from 1 July 2022, in line with the Australian Government's decision that ASQA implements full cost recovery.
Our consultation to seek feedback on the approach outlined in the draft CRIS included 2 rounds of engagement with providers and course owners.
The first round of consultation commenced in late 2019. ASQA invited feedback on ASQA’s Fees and charges proposal (2020-21 consultation paper).
ASQA's move to full cost recovery was deferred until 1 July 2022, as part of a package of measures announced on 25 November 2021 to ease the financial pressures on vocational education and training providers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our second round of consultation to seek feedback on the approach outlines in the draft CRIS including changes to our fees and charges closed on 9 February 2022. These changes are proposed to take effect from 1 July 2022.