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2023 ASQA Provider and Course Owner Survey Results
In 2023, ASQA engaged ORIMA Research to conduct the annual provider and course owner survey which collected feedback on ASQA’s performance during the 2022-23 financial year, in particular data that is relevant to:
- ASQA Strategic Objectives and Performance Measures as identified in ASQA’s 2022-23 corporate plan.
- selected measures from the 2022 survey (including selected question about self-assurance practices, ASQA’s education and information products, overall views of ASQA and profile of providers); and
- provider and course owner views about risks.
Who responded
The survey was conducted in May and June 2023 and surveyed over 3950 providers and course owners.
In total, 1,438 responses were received, representing a response rate of 36 per cent, which is considered to be within an industry standard range for this type of survey.

What we heard
The 2023 survey results showed improved overall ratings of ASQA’s performance in 2022-23. Almost all areas where performance was tracked between 2021-22 and 2022-23 either recorded similar results or improved in 2022-23.
The majority of providers and course owners (‘providers’) had positive views of ASQA’s performance against its five strategic objectives (SO’s), with stability or improvements across all strategic objectives compared to previous year. However, we did not achieve our target (75%) on two of the four Performance Measures collected in the survey.
A growing majority of providers view ASQA’s regulation as best practice.
- 68% agreed or strongly agreed that “ASQA's regulation is best practice,” an increase of 3% from the previous year (SO2)
- 67% report that “ASQA’s feedback is clear and supports an improved understanding of their performance.” (Performance Measure 2.2b)
- 72% report that “ASQA’s feedback is clear and supports an improved understanding of requirements.” (Performance Measure 2.2c)
ASQA’s efforts to promote a culture of self-assurance and continuous improvement are gaining increasingly strong buy in from providers.
- 81% of providers agreed or strongly agreed with the proposition, “[ASQA’s] regulatory approach promotes a culture of self-assurance and continuous improvement.” This was an increase of 5% from the previous year (SO1).
- 78% of providers agreed that “[ASQA’s] regulatory tools and practices support them to self-assure and continuously improve.” (Performance Measure 1.1a).
- 78% of providers agreed that “[ASQA’s] published insights about risks and the outcomes of our risk treatments support providers to self-assure their own operations.” (Performance Measure 1.2a).
ASQA is seen by a growing majority of providers as a transparent and accountable regulator.
- 64% agreed or strongly agreed that “[ASQA’s] regulatory approach is transparent and accountable,” an increase of 4% (SO3).
A large majority of providers continue to see ASQA as a constructive and respected partner in improving the quality of VET.
- 73% agreed or strongly agreed that “ASQA engages and partners with providers and course owners constructively and with mutual respect,” unchanged from last year (SO4).
Providers continue to have positive view of the impact of ASQA’s overall approach to assessment of the Standards and actions in ensuring quality VET.
- 70% agreed “ASQA’s approach to assessment of the Standards consistently ensures quality VET”, unchanged from last year.
- 76% agreed “ASQA’s actions reflect its purpose to ensure quality VET to increase confidence in the integrity of national qualifications”, a slight decrease of 1%.
An increasing number of providers agree that ASQA adds value and continuously improves.
- 67% agreed or strongly agreed that “[ASQA] add[s] value and [is] efficient, effective, and continuously improves,” an increase of 1% (SO5).
The majority of providers utilises ASQA education material and information products and found them useful.
- 76% of providers had utilised ASQA education and information products about priority risk areas, of which 77% found the products useful or very useful. Moreover, 98% of providers found it at least moderately useful.
- 89% of providers had used ASQA education and information products to support their compliance, self-assurance and continuous improvement, an increase of 6%. Overall satisfaction with the quality of ASQA’s education and information was positive at 87%, an improvement of 6%.
Acting on the survey results
The survey results provided valuable insights into ASQA’s performance in 2022-23. We saw ‘continuous improvement through self-assurance’ as the strongest improvements measured in the survey – in both providers view of ASQA’s regulatory approach and provider’s self-assessment of their organisation’s status in implementing quality improvement through self-assurance. This is most likely attributed to ASQA’s work during 2021-22 and 2022-23 in developing a shared model for self-assurance, enabled by improved engagement with all stakeholders and expanded use of education as a regulatory tool.
Despite remaining the lowest ranked Strategic Objective measured in the survey, ASQA is seen by a growing majority of providers as a transparent and accountable regulator. With 64% agreed or strongly agreed that “[ASQA’s] regulatory approach is transparent and accountable,” an increase of 3%. During 2021-22 and 2002-23, in consultation and partnership with key stakeholders, ASQA reviewed and revised our Service Charter to enhance visibility, transparency and accountability for our performance. It articulates ASQA’s values, behaviours and commitment to listening to feedback and continuous improvement as per best practice regulations and principles. It also includes our service standards against which we review our efficiency and performance and report them in our annual reports. The revised charter was released and implemented from 1 July 2023.
What we heard
This year we also used the survey as an opportunity to collect intelligence from providers on regulatory risk. Providers were asked to rate several areas in terms of their risk to the quality and integrity of VET.
For the VET sector, four areas were identified as high risk by over 40% of providers:
Regulatory risk
Learn about our intelligence driven approach to determining regulatory risk
agent practices (47%)
international student recruiting (43%)
recognition of prior learning (40%)
academic cheating (40%)
Areas that performed well
Additionally, providers were also asked to provide open-ended comment on what areas ASQA is performing well. 14 key themes identified and four of these highest ratings were:
dissemination of communication and information (12%)
good collaboration / consultation / engagement / guidance with providers and course owners (11%)
quality of education resources and support (11%)
positive interactions with the ASQA team (11%)
Areas for possible improvement
Regarding how ASQA could improve its performance, the most common suggestion related to:
better quality or clearer communication between ASQA and providers (15%)
timeliness/efficiency of responses to guidance, information, or support requests (14%)
You can find more results here.
Next steps
The survey results also identified opportunities for improvement, some of these key activities and deliverables are identified in our 2023-24 Corporate Plan:
- continuing our work on improving our application processes, in particular providing education and guidance to providers and market entrants to communicate our expectations and their obligations to comply and continuously improve quality outcomes.
- collaborating with our stakeholders to understand and address sector and individual provider risks in the context of the operating environment while continuing to focus on our data and intelligence to identify and respond proportionately to risk.
- applying a risk based proportionate approach to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
- strengthening integrity issues pertaining to international delivery.
- collaborating with DEWR and stakeholders to enhance sector capacity for continuous quality improvement and prepare for implementation of revised standards for RTOs including development of self-assessment tools.
Summary results in relation to the providers views of ASQA’s progress against its Strategic Objectives have already been published on the ASQA website: Annual provider and course owner survey 2023 as this is a requirement in accordance with our 2022-23 Corporate Plan.
This year’s survey introduced several new questions on the views of providers and course-owners on specific risks in the sector and in their RTO. Raw data from these questions have been provided to Data, Risk Analytics and Reporting for further analysis so watch this space!
For more information about the 2023 Provider and Course Owner Survey, please contact us via our feedback form
View detailed results