How does an RTO in Western Australia or Victoria become registered with ASQA?
Training organisations in Victoria and Western Australia can only register with ASQA if they fall within ASQA's jurisdiction.
If your organisation is currently registered with the Victorian or West Australian regulator, but falls within ASQA’s jurisdiction, you should contact your current regulator and apply for a transfer to ASQA. The transfer is a simple process that does not attract any fees.
If you are in Victoria or Western Australia, and are applying for initial registration as a registered training organisation, you should apply to ASQA if you will be operating within ASQA’s jurisdiction.
Your organisation falls within ASQA’s jurisdiction if:
- you are registered on Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) for delivery to overseas students.
- your organisation offers courses online (in this case, you are considered to be offering these courses for delivery nationally, unless your application process specifically states otherwise, or
- you offer courses in any of the following states:
- the Australian Capital Territory
- New South Wales
- the Northern Territory
- South Australia
- Queensland, or
- Tasmania.
If you are in Victoria or Western Australia and do not fall within ASQA's jurisdiction, you should register with the Victorian or West Australian regulator.
- Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) regulates RTOs that operate solely in Victoria and do not offer courses online or to overseas students.
- The Training Accreditation Council (TAC) in Western Australia regulates RTOs that operate solely in WA and do not offer courses online or to overseas students.